Metropolitan Museum of Art
Classic Exhibition Calendar
  Publication Design The format for the calendar had to be flexible enough to accommodate a myriad of imagery from the contemporary to the classic and from the "miniscule to the majuscule" according to Philippe de Montebello, Director of the Museum.

Metropolitan Museum of Art: Classic Exhibition Calendar
Metropolitan Museum of Art: Digital Logo
"Every year, some five million visitors come to the Metropolitan, from scholars to elementary school students—we keep the collections fully open to public scrutiny...on public exhibition as well as printed in catalogues, museum journals, and the calendar, so they can be viewed and discussed by the broadest possible public," said de Montebello.

We reconceived the cover, refined the format, and helped make the Met Calendar the user-friendly and enormously-popular pocket guide it has now become.

In response to an elaborately comprehensive concept presentation given by Creative Director, David Curry, Philippe De Montebello proclaimed, "Here's a man who really knows how to listen!"

Metropolitan Museum of Art: Digital Logo