Gamblin Artists' Colors
Portland Rose Artist's Color
  Product Development During the process of our market research for Gamblin, we discovered that the city of Portland, Oregon, where Gamblin is headquartered, has an ideal climate for growing roses, and for more than a century Portland has been known as "The City of Roses."

Gamblin Artists' Colors

We therefore proposed as a product and promotional opportunity, that Gamblin create a "Portland Rose" set of colors in honor of its unique home town.

In addition to Gamblin's renown "Portland Gray" which however has moody connotations of rainy days, "Gamblin Portland Rose" could not only sell as a traditional art material, it could also be sold throughout the city and on the web site as a gift item or a memento.

Portland Rose would be available in 3 blushes of rose, neatly packed in a great little gift set and could be a hit among artists and non-artists alike as a genuine souvenir 'Made in Portland'.

Perhaps there could be a "Portland Rose" newsletter about Gamblin and its activities and the cultural arts in Portland as well as a contest about paintings done entirely in Portland Rose coloration.